Thanks for dropping by.
Let's save you some of your valuable time.
These two methods, we show you in the ebook, will not make you enough to retire on, but it will consistantly deliver money to use to improve your life style.
If you know Michael and I, you know that we don't use hype or BS, just facts and figures to show, "what's on the tin works", is what we deliver when we sell a product or service.
SRT (Smart Racing Trader) it a very effective way to make good income, from a relatively small bank, and low risk.
Low bank?
Yes from £500.00 you should beable to make £200 to £300 a week. Now that would make a difference to you?
If so read on.
Yes as the name suggests it is Trading on race horses, racing in the UK.
OK, lets look at the Two Methods.
System 1:
- All trading is done before the race starts, so no inplay to worry about.
- We Back first and lay second, so the liability is kept low.
- Time needed to use this system is 10 to 30 minutes a day.
- Suits only weekday betting
- Uses only Betfair
- Can be used on the smart phone via Betfair App
- Very easy to use, no chance of getting the trades wrong.
- If you have a Betfair account and can click a mouse, you can do it.
The time you need is around 30 minutes a day max, often 10 to 15 minutes and you pocket the winnings and go on doing what you do.
No, it is not suitable to use on most weekends, sorry but it is a weekday strategy, in winter starts at 1.00pm and in summer starts around 2.00pm.
Can be done on the Smart phone (iphone or such like). Use free Betfair App. System 2 can not be used on phone as you need to look at the Betfair graphs.
So if you can not get to the PC or smart phone at those times, please don't buy it.
System 1 is the main income producer of the two systems.
System 2:
This is a complete different system in that it has nothing to do with the above system.
It only works on National Hunt Flat Races, and is very easy to use, and can be used anytime of the week, including weekends and public (Bank) holidays.
You only need to monitor the race for around ten minutes before, the off you are only looking at the graph in Betfair web interface, a 3 year old can do it after 2 years practice. You will be able to do it straight away.
Nearly every NHF race has the opportunity to use System 2.
What We DON'T Use!
- No Form Studies
- No Weight of Money
- No Jockey or Trainer Stats
- No Bookies
- No In Play Trading
- No Bots
- No special software, all can be done on Betfair Website
- No Big Risks
March 2012, was quiet, but made money on the National Hunt Flat method.

Since Release a Very comfortable $1,474.44 Profit!
in 11 weeks and a bit.

Missing 8 Days here, Michael was away in the States, and could not follow the racing.

Let's look, at the Betfair account, for 7 days.
On a $500.00 bank, showing a $230.41 Profit, or a Return of Capital of 46%
Try getting that from the bank in a WEEK ( 7days of which 3 days we did not bet).

2nd Week after Release: $103.00 profit,
this was a quiet week for us, but still made a Profit.

3rdd Week after Release: $131.00 profit,
this was a quiet week for us, but still made a Profit.

After a lossing start the finishing day was great!

Using very Safe £100 per Race Trades, the bank is very health.

Very First Trade Buyers Got after Release!

OOPs A losing trade, it happens... but look at the loss to the profits we are making.

14th Nov screen shot show inplay, however the trade was done before the start of the race, took a few minutes to get the screen shot.

What's in The Package?

Good question....
- The 2 systems are presented in an exe file ebook, that is locked to one PC only. So you need a windows based PC to read it. You can not print it off (you don't need to anyway).
- Videos showing actual trading of both systems.
- Michael's famous email support, (pro Betfair Trader who is driven to help more people make it in trading.)
- You get the Opening special price.
Why isn't it on a PDF, why do I need a Windows Based Computer?
We have been looking at how we can stop these great betting products we research and develop being swapped and sold illegally.
This not only affects us as developers of such products, but it hurts the people that buy them legally from us. Because this gives the access to many that in turn use the strategies, and compete with you in the Betfair or Bookie market.
So with the help of Kev the programmer, we are now locking the ebooks to the computer of the legal purchaser. It therefore can not be printed off, emailed to friends or swapped on forums.
It CAN NOT be opened on Apple Mac, or smart phones. This we feel is a small price to pay for the protection of us and your's as legal owner of the information contained.
If you have been purchasing the softwares of us, then you will know how the PC locked exe file works.
So what we are saying, if you want a printed copy, you can not print it, you can not copy and paste it. You can not forward it to friends, and it can not be file shared.
Result, you get more value from the strategies. The fewer people know of a system the more powerful it is.
The other great thing is we can update the ebook, without the need for you to download it again, so updates are made and you have instant access to them through the exe file. So you always have the most updated version.
Sorry, for the long explanation, however we feel it important that this is pointed out before you make the decision to purchase these systems. |

SRT = Smart Racing Trader
This is a boring, low risk, high return strategy.
You will not wet your pants with excitement, however you will on the long term PROFITS.
These are what we aim for and get more often that not.

Michael Has His Say.
Profitable betting does not mean betting on all races or studying form day in and day night….. What it means is looking for a profitable niche area or angle which mug punters tend to ignore.
In Smart Racing Trader, we are actually betting against the psychology of mug punters in system 1. And in system 2, we are trading on National Hunt Flat only because we have researched a trend over last year.
So, both the strategies are niche in themselves and will continue to make profit as mug punters psychology will not change in future because it has also not changed over decades.
In System 1, we only start trade when mug punters are in panic and as now they are trying to recover the losses from an earlier bet and have entered 'panic mode'. They usually have no sensible staking plan in operation and use random stakes depending upon how good a feeling they have about a particular outcome.
And because of their panic, we will have 80 -90% chance of making a profitable trade in system 1 and yes, we will some losses but those will be minimal.
So, it is basically a battle between mug punting and Smart Racing Trading … as the best part of this battle is that one winner is already decided - Smart Racing Trader… but Mug Punters will only win if they are lucky.
In Smart Racing Trading, we are actually trading with the trend …and here, we are much more confident of how the price will move.
We are not employing any old conventional tools to gauge price movement… like WOM, horses or jockeys or trainers form… as we HATE them because they are means to get you in losing trap.
A trader is only successful if he is disciplined and bets only when he thinks he has maximum chance of winning in this bet… We think of a successful trader like a Lion who only attacks the animal when he has maximum chance of winning.
In Smart Racing Trader, we will tell when you have maximum chance of winning and when to enter the market. The manual will clearly have entry and exit rules.
Also Smart Racing Traders know betting will not make them rich overnight but a consistent source of income will start from betting once their bank will become a decent size.
Like any good financial planner, they reinvest their profits into the most profitable tool and enjoy the benefits.
In Smart Racing Trader, there will be some days when you have no bet on both systems and there will be some days when you have bets on both systems 1 &2.
If you can be disciplined and follow rules then you can also be a Smart Racing Trader.
What are Your Life Plans?
Heavy question to find on a racing product website. Agreed.
However do you know most people spend more time planning their holiday than their life.
Yes it is absolutely true, 2 weeks in the sun is more important than what life is.
Life can be a lot of 2 week holidays if you plan your life first, the 2 weeks in the sun will come.
Strange that, as I said at the start of this page, Smart Racing Trader will not make enough for you to retire on.
However, what it will give you is options.
If £200.00 or even £100 a week will make a difference in your life, then this is for you.
If you have more money, it buys the most important thing, more important that material things.
Freedom... the thing they say you can not put a price one.
I disagree, because if a small amount of extra money stops you worrying about bills etc, it has given you freedom to think of how you can improve your life and that of your dependants.
Freedom means you can be PRO ACTIVE, pro active is when plans are made to advance your life.
REACTION, this is when you are living hand to mouth, worrying and planning to met the next bill.
No thought of planning a better life, you are planning survival, so you can do the same next week... ground hog day. (Great movie, if you have not seen it get it out).
Look at SRT, as a FREEDOM PLAN. Remember these profits SRT make are tax free.
OK, I will get off my soap box.
It is up to you, remember where you are today, this minute is a direct result of the decisions you have either made or not made.
What are they saying?
